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I first met the Stargate in the 2017 and since then my life is changed completely. In July 2018 I went to Shasta (California) to receive my training as Stargate Facilitator.

Now I’m working with people as groups or in individual sessions to experience the powerful work of the Stargate.

The Stargate is a sacred geometric structure and it’s one of the most advanced leading-edge devices to assist humanity in the awakening process and their reconnection to the heritage from the Stars. It was introduced to the Planet in 1989 by Prageet Harris who is the originator, who channels Alcazar.  In the 2012  Julieanne Courad started to work with Prageet redescovering a strong connection with Alcazar too, that invited her to join the project.

Several years of experience has proved how the Stargate is a powerful tools to go beyond old limitations and realize your potential.

The Stargate  is an interdimensional doorway that emits a powerful conscious energy. This Stargate contains many sistems of evolution that all work together harmoniously, simply by creating multiple levels of frequencies.

This sacred geometric structure creates a high vibrational energy field which allows partecipants to actually feel and connect with numerous benevolent guides and beings from the higher dimensions that are invited to join us. As we are touched by these energy our vibration starts to resonate with theirs and incredible awakenings are possible.

On a quantum level the Stargate works to re-activate an awareness of your own Quantum Self, your Superconsciousness, as well as your multidimensional DNA. It’s within your DNA that the mysteries of your Greater Self are held. It holds the key to who you are, who you have been, your part and purpose in the Universal scheme and your ability to communicate directly with Spirit.

The Stargate experience consists of energy meditations with soft background music. Move into deep meditation simply and easily in a matter of moments without any effort.

“It is time for humanity to know what only the Masters have known. It is time for you to realize your Quantum Self.

Humanity has almost reached its maximum potential for evolution using mind alone. To reach the next level, intuition has to be brought to the forefront; it is the intuition that is the access point to your guidance, your Higher Self, and your Super-consciousness- your QuantumSelf.

We call upon those who are on the leading edge of awakening to partecipate in the reconnection to this vast consciousness, which has been forgotten for so many lives.”

The multidimensional energies that radiate from the Stargate touch each person at a very deep level, very often creating change in their lives. Many people have reported:

– clarity of understanding and major insight for the mental body;

– deep relaxation and stress removal for the feeling (emotional) body;

– personal karma and unresolved issues being dissolved;

– healing and balance of their physical body;

– healing abilities being activated;

– recalling past life experiences;

– spontaneous activation of inner vision and psychic abilities.

60’/90′ Private Session.

Online Session Available.

PSYCH-K® is an extremely respectful and interactive process of change with recorded proof of its success for over 30 years. It’s a simple and powerful method to change beliefs on a subconscious level that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging our daily lives. It’s a unique blend of various tools for change, some contemporary and some ancient, derived from contemporary neuroscience research, as well as ancient mind-body wisdom. It’s a ground breaking approach to facilitating change at the subconscious level where at least 95% of our consciousness operates.

PSYCH-K® was originated in 1988 by Doc. Robert Williams. It works to Nature Sacred Global Evolution, by alligning subconscious beliefs with conscious wisdom from the world’s great spiritual and intellectual traditions. Beliefs and programming are the results of our life experiences. They are stored inside the subconscious mind. These beliefs create filter from we look at our reality. So beliefs and programming create the limit of what we can experience in our own life.

With kinesiology test PSYCH-K® helps us to communicate directly with our subconscious mind and with simple excercises that create a “whole-brain state” we change old beliefs in new programmes that allow us to reach our goals. With the support of our Superconsciousness we ensure that everything is safe and appropriate.

When you change yourself you change the world!

​After the initial session, I suggest to observe the effect of the process as you go about your daily life. as a result of each PSYCH-K® session you may experiment a series of transformations. I invite you to observe the changes in different areas of your life, not only in what was worked during the session. You may be surprised! When we do something different to be different, the whole Universe is trasformed!

The number of sessions depends on each case. Those who experiment this process, may notice some kind of change of transformation during the session, or immediately after, while for others, the change come in the following days. The process continues during the following days, hours and weeks.

PSYCH-K® is a process with which you remember your inner power, so that you can decide when and how you wish to continue.

Long distance PSYCH-K® sessions:

It’s possible to do PSYCH-K® at a distance, using a process called surrogation, where the facilitator can use his/her physical vehicle to collaborate with another consciousness which is not physically present. Everything that can be named may be surrogated, as long as it is safe and appropriate for both consciousness involved. In this way we can do PSYCH-K® at a distance with people as well as helping animals, babies, your relationship with money, health, food… .

“The secret of life is belief. Rather than genes, it is our beliefs that control our lives. PSYCH-K is a set of simple, self-empowering processes to chenge your beliefs and perceptions that impact your life at a cellular level.”
     (“The biology of belief” Bruce Lipton)

PSYCH-K® to:

– release stress after trauma;
– transform fears;
– transform limitations to obtain what you want in your own life;

– remove harmful habits;
– increase sport performance;
– increase career opportunities;                                                        

– increase language ability;
– bring peace in your relationships;
– accelerate spiritual development; 
– obtain abundance in all your life aspects…

60’/90′ Private Session.

Online PSYCH-K® Session Available.

From limitation to liberation

Bioreprogramming was created by Isabelle Benorus, after studies and researches on Dr. Hamer’s discovery.

This program provides a clear explanation of the mechanism between emotional stress and biological responses. The focus of this work is to understand how the people we’ve attracted along our particular path play a specific role in the story of our life, according to our subconscious programs.

These programs prevail for as long as we’re unaware of their existance. These patterns can be changed and this new awareness will allow you to free yourself and create the future you desire.

The main concept is that illness has a meaningful adoptive program of survival when a conflict generating extreme stress within an individual is not resolved, the brain will order a specific biological response in the body that will express the emotional struggle. The illness become the solution of the internal conflict.

Psychogenealogy shows how programs are passed on from one generation to the next and how our lives often reflects circumstances, traumas and dates of events belonging to antecedent members of our clan.

What we call coincidences, such as repetition of deaths at certain age, separations, divorces, births, illness and professional failures are often related to unresolved stressed that reappear in our lives. These same unresolved stresses will reappear in the lives of subsequent generations in order to be liberated.

Throughout the course of our lives, we oftentimes express behavioral or biological solutions that permit us to resolve the stress of a parent or ancestor.

Healing is often possible through accessing on awareness of such unresolved emotional stresses.

The techniques and processes offered during consultations are not substitutes for consultations with your professional self-care provider.

60’/90’ Session.

Online session Available.


You can create a shift!

This method created by Dr. Alexander Loyd, after several years of research, is a simple and effective working system that facilitates the person in releasing stress and resolving disharmonies.

Stress is caused by misconceptions about ourselves and reality, which have been integrated over time.

The biologist Bruce Lipton states that these beliefs are embedded within cellular memories that refer to the conscious and subconscious mind. When the stress is prolonged over time, the cells, in response to this state, close: they no longer receive nourishment or are freed from toxins. Then our healing system comes to a halt and a symptom appears.

When stress becomes chronic, our system remains in “fight or flight” mode.

The application of the codes to the various areas of life allows the release of cellular memories and the harmful beliefs related to them. In this way our system receives a new message that allows us to free ourselves from stress:

the code does not directly address the health problem, but addresses the memories and beliefs that are the primary cause. Thus our immune system can reactivate and start working efficiently again to bring our entire system back into complete balance and harmony.

90’ Session.

Online Healing Codes Session Available

The discovery of this system took place in 1800 by Mikao Usui, a Japanese spiritual researcher. He founded several centers in Japan and subsequently Hawayo Takata, formed in one of these centers, was the architect of the popularization of this system in the West.

The Chinese word Rei-Ki is usually translated with universal vital energy and is composed of two ideograms: Rei, which means transcendent spirit, indicating with this the fundamental divine nature common to all beings;

Ki, which is the energy, the strength within that which animates the visible from the invisible and originates directly from the Source.

With Reiki, one draws on the source of the manifestation from where pure, complete and enlightened energy flows. it is an expression of divine intelligence and unconditional love, which cannot be manipulated by any human intent, but acts autonomously in the circumstances for physical and mental well-being by stimulating the opening of awareness, self-knowledge and the ability to abandoning oneself to the flow of life, dissolving the fears and patterns that imprison us.

It can be combined with any treatment, any medical therapy, because on a physical level it works by stimulating the defenses and the self-stimulating forces of the organism by balancing the energy bodies and chakras (centers of transformation and transmission of subtle energy in direct connection with the endocrine glands of the body).

Practicing Reiki does not draw on one’s own personal energy, nor does one absorb the suffering or illness of the other.

There are no contraindications and it can be practiced for oneself and for others. It is a path of initiation through which one enters into resonance with a universal healing energy by stimulating spiritual expansion, thus allowing everyone to consciously choose their own path.

For me Reiki reconnects us to our true dimension: it is a personal journey of transformation in which every choice becomes responsible and aware. It has allowed me to feel that we alone are the architects of our life, our world, our destiny, our illnesses and our healing.
It helps in the process of personal change by respecting and recognizing everyone’s freedom and the validity of every path and every choice.
Reiki support us to become truly aware of our thoughts and emotions and through this awareness it supports us on our path to develop mastery in our lives.

Reiki is a loving and harmonizing energy, which always works for the benefit of everyone involved in the treatment. There are no contraindications or age limits.

The individual treatment lasts about 75 minutes and takes place with the dressed person lying on the bed.

Seminars to receive Reiki activations generally take place on weekends. Each Reiki level represents an important moment in one’s life path, because it open the individual to new awareness and possibilities of profound transformation and liberation. The seminars are opened to all and absolutely no special knowledge is required. The three levels of Reiki and teacher training are open to adults. For children aged 6 to 11, First Level activation seminars are held on a day with specific activities.

For more information, please consult the “Events” page.

“Learning means discovering what you already know. To do is to prove that you know. To teach is to remind others that they know as well as you do.
We are all students, practitioners, teachers. “

(R. Bach)

Online Reiki Session Available.


Reflections® is a precious technique developed by Peggy Phoenix Dubro. Over the course of twenty years she has developed the EMF Balancing Tecnique® (which consists of sessions of deep energy work, now practiced in 70 countries around the world) and has discovered the Universal Calibration Lattice® (an organized energy system that extends beyond the physical body, personal connection with the universal source of energy).

The work carried out with the Lattice: reinforces the human energy anatomy so that the individual can best manifest its wholeness. This system is an extension of our energetic anatomy of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, which assists us in developing our ability to fully express ourselves. The work done in a Reflections® session strengthens anyone who wants to continue to evolve.  The work is developed in order to facilitate the person in manifesting the changes and intentions chosen as an evolutionary being.

Reflections® is something extremely practical that helps us to manage our personal energy in an optimal way: it is a gateway to our deepest wisdom.

This technique supports us in achieving our goals by combining the elements of introspective thinking with those of positive action in the process of manifesting one’s intentions.

Pegggy defines Reflections® as a bridge of grace through which we become a quantum observer. It brings nourishment, balance and integration by making people turn towards themselves: it is a great leap in consciousness. We are on a journey in this new form of being and it is an appropriate time to take a quantum leap.With Reflections® all the alignments that take place are in agreement with one’s higher self. It allows us to observe what we are doing with our energy from a quantum point of view: in this way our energy will begin to behave differently and this will allow us to make changes in our life. We are called to recalibrate what it takes to be well present in this new energy.
In the session a high resonance of awareness is created and the facilitator’s task is to reflect the wholeness energy of the divine, which is in everyone.

The session is made up of several phases:

-concentration (we begin with an opening statement about the intent of your choice. This sets the resonance for the session, which focuses and amplifies your ability to manifest your intent and new unexpected potentials. Your energy responds to the resonance of Reflections® in respect of your inner wisdom); – alignment (the awareness that is created in sharing this energy session, generates the appropriate personal support alignment as you open yourself to knowing and being more who you are in a deeply balanced energy of wisdom and love);

– choice (from a quantum perspective you will clearly see how you are using your energy. This viewpoint allows you to transfer your energy from actions that are no longer useful to those actions you prefer to enhance;

– co-create with greater freedom;

– be (at the end of the session you will radiate energy from a place of deep inner stillness within the core of your being, amplifying a quantum state of grace).

Reflections® for:

– profound peace and harmony;

– greater balance between wisdom and emotions;

– greater awareness of what we can do for ourselves;

– better mastery of one’s life;

– greater well-being;

– greater ability to manifest the desired changes in our life.

90 ‘ Session.

Online Reflections® Session Available.

The technique of harmonization (piloting of reality) with numerical sequences (intended as numerical vibrational matrices for restoring the divine energy present at the potential level and manifested in every human activity) was developed by the Russian physicist Grigorij Grabovoy (member of the Academy Russian Science and Consultant to the Russian Federal Air Force). His work consists in the application of particular sequences with concentration through visualization exercises and quantum physics. This defined technology of global salvation and harmonic development can be applied to events of daily life: health, physical ailments, family, emotional states… .

According to Grabovoj, a person is surrounded by an information field that acts on itself in relation to the outside world. This field contains the project of the body in its original state and in its perfection. Anything that moves away from this original creative norm leads to disharmony in the organism. This field is disturbed and interrupted by trauma, tension and mental blocks.

The physicist believes that the soul creates frequencies of light and information and the spirit moves them into consciousness. The information is received and manifests itself in the form of matter.

If information changes, the world also changes and we change with it.
In our soul there is an archiving point where all information is stored. Each organ and each part of the body has a vibration corresponding to the original state of the organ itself that

Grabovoj has translated into numerical sequences. Focusing on these sequences brings the organ back to its natural state.

Through its awareness, a person has the opportunity to change and transform negative information (out of the norm) into positive information (which is part of the order).

The external reality is structured according to the conscious or unconscious inner world of the human, all objects are united through information relationships: if a relationship is modified, the entire system also changes.

The application of these numbers on psychic states, circumstances and body areas allows you to work constructively to harmonize and bring any situation back to normal. 

Online Session Available


Spinal Chrono-reflexology® is a technique for the treatment of emotional trauma (Agegate Therapy®) developed by Dr. Vincenzo Di Spazio. Starting from the studies of the scientist Prof. G. Calligaris, he identified a mapping of 24 cutaneous points on the spinous processes connected to the different ages of life according to a sexagesimal scheme. The scientist has discovered areas on the skin whose stimulation allows access to “an operating system for managing physical, emotional and psychic functions”: the “system of linear chains of the body and spirit”.

There is a timely connection between skin, organs, nervous system, emotions and functions: acting on each of these links in the chain affects all the others.
Our body is a container of memories and the symptom and the disease that it manifests represent that aspect of memory that is stuck in it: it is the way of communicating that the body has, we must discover what it has memorized and act to facilitate the unconscious emotional release of traumatic memory.

Pathology does not say much if it is not inserted in the history of the person, it is therefore necessary to recognize this specific individuality and to search in the history of each person for the connection between the manifestation of discomfort (bronchitis, back pain, infertility, chronic pain …) and the specific framework over time.

Have you ever said: “from the day I suffered this trauma I am no longer the same” or “since this person left me this pain accompanies me”? This happens because our body does not live a linear time (past / present / future) like our mind, but it contains the memory of every particular event of our life.
Pain is a very strong signal that, in the course of our evolution, has made it possible to strengthen the defense systems aimed at the conservation of the individual and the species. This is why the most painful experiences are kept in the body’s memory. It becomes a register of many lives and, through the pathology, draws attention to unresolved events in personal and family history.
This technique allows the treatment and thus the reintegration and overcoming of those blocks stored by the body at the skin level.

“When evaluating diseases, first of all look at the spine.”
(Hippocrates, 4th century BC)

Spinal Chrono-reflexology® considers the spine as a biological clock subdivided into precise “temporal notches”: the so-called “24 cutaneous chakras of time”. Specifically, the spiny processes act as “entrance doors” to our age in which very specific traumas are projected.This technique allows quick access to traumatic memories allowing to free personal and family history from the pain of experienced traumas.

90′ Session.



I first met the Stargate in the 2017 and since then my life is changed completely. In July 2018 I went to Shasta (California) to receive my training as Stargate Facilitator.

Now I’m working with people as groups or in individual sessions to experience the powerful work of the Stargate.

The Stargate is a sacred geometric structure and it’s one of the most advanced leading-edge devices to assist humanity in the awakening process and their reconnection to the heritage from the Stars. It was introduced to the Planet in 1989 by Prageet Harris who is the originator, who channels Alcazar.  In the 2012  Julieanne Courad started to work with Prageet redescovering a strong connection with Alcazar too, that invited her to join the project.

Several years of experience has proved how the Stargate is a powerful tools to go beyond old limitations and realize your potential.

The Stargate  is an interdimensional doorway that emits a powerful conscious energy. This Stargate contains many sistems of evolution that all work together harmoniously, simply by creating multiple levels of frequencies.

This sacred geometric structure creates a high vibrational energy field which allows partecipants to actually feel and connect with numerous benevolent guides and beings from the higher dimensions that are invited to join us. As we are touched by these energy our vibration starts to resonate with theirs and incredible awakenings are possible.

On a quantum level the Stargate works to re-activate an awareness of your own Quantum Self, your Superconsciousness, as well as your multidimensional DNA. It’s within your DNA that the mysteries of your Greater Self are held. It holds the key to who you are, who you have been, your part and purpose in the Universal scheme and your ability to communicate directly with Spirit.

The Stargate experience consists of energy meditations with soft background music. Move into deep meditation simply and easily in a matter of moments without any effort.

“It is time for humanity to know what only the Masters have known. It is time for you to realize your Quantum Self.

Humanity has almost reached its maximum potential for evolution using mind alone. To reach the next level, intuition has to be brought to the forefront; it is the intuition that is the access point to your guidance, your Higher Self, and your Super-consciousness- your QuantumSelf.

We call upon those who are on the leading edge of awakening to partecipate in the reconnection to this vast consciousness, which has been forgotten for so many lives.”

The multidimensional energies that radiate from the Stargate touch each person at a very deep level, very often creating change in their lives. Many people have reported:

– clarity of understanding and major insight for the mental body;

– deep relaxation and stress removal for the feeling (emotional) body;

– personal karma and unresolved issues being dissolved;

– healing and balance of their physical body;

– healing abilities being activated;

– recalling past life experiences;

– spontaneous activation of inner vision and psychic abilities.

60’/90′ Private Session.

Online Session Available.


PSYCH-K® is an extremely respectful and interactive process of change with recorded proof of its success for over 30 years. It’s a simple and powerful method to change beliefs on a subconscious level that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging our daily lives. It’s a unique blend of various tools for change, some contemporary and some ancient, derived from contemporary neuroscience research, as well as ancient mind-body wisdom. It’s a ground breaking approach to facilitating change at the subconscious level where at least 95% of our consciousness operates.

PSYCH-K® was originated in 1988 by Doc. Robert Williams. It works to Nature Sacred Global Evolution, by alligning subconscious beliefs with conscious wisdom from the world’s great spiritual and intellectual traditions. Beliefs and programming are the results of our life experiences. They are stored inside the subconscious mind. These beliefs create filter from we look at our reality. So beliefs and programming create the limit of what we can experience in our own life.

With kinesiology test PSYCH-K® helps us to communicate directly with our subconscious mind and with simple excercises that create a “whole-brain state” we change old beliefs in new programmes that allow us to reach our goals. With the support of our Superconsciousness we ensure that everything is safe and appropriate.

When you change yourself you change the world!

​After the initial session, I suggest to observe the effect of the process as you go about your daily life. as a result of each PSYCH-K® session you may experiment a series of transformations. I invite you to observe the changes in different areas of your life, not only in what was worked during the session. You may be surprised! When we do something different to be different, the whole Universe is trasformed!

The number of sessions depends on each case. Those who experiment this process, may notice some kind of change of transformation during the session, or immediately after, while for others, the change come in the following days. The process continues during the following days, hours and weeks.

PSYCH-K® is a process with which you remember your inner power, so that you can decide when and how you wish to continue.

Long distance PSYCH-K® sessions:

It’s possible to do PSYCH-K® at a distance, using a process called surrogation, where the facilitator can use his/her physical vehicle to collaborate with another consciousness which is not physically present. Everything that can be named may be surrogated, as long as it is safe and appropriate for both consciousness involved. In this way we can do PSYCH-K® at a distance with people as well as helping animals, babies, your relationship with money, health, food… .

“The secret of life is belief. Rather than genes, it is our beliefs that control our lives. PSYCH-K is a set of simple, self-empowering processes to chenge your beliefs and perceptions that impact your life at a cellular level.”
     (“The biology of belief” Bruce Lipton)

PSYCH-K® to:

– release stress after trauma;
– transform fears;
– transform limitations to obtain what you want in your own life;

– remove harmful habits;
– increase sport performance;
– increase career opportunities;                                                        

– increase language ability;
– bring peace in your relationships;
– accelerate spiritual development; 
– obtain abundance in all your life aspects…

60’/90′ Private Session.

Online PSYCH-K® Session Available.


From limitation to liberation

Bioreprogramming was created by Isabelle Benorus, after studies and researches on Dr. Hamer’s discovery.

This program provides a clear explanation of the mechanism between emotional stress and biological responses. The focus of this work is to understand how the people we’ve attracted along our particular path play a specific role in the story of our life, according to our subconscious programs.

These programs prevail for as long as we’re unaware of their existance. These patterns can be changed and this new awareness will allow you to free yourself and create the future you desire.

The main concept is that illness has a meaningful adoptive program of survival when a conflict generating extreme stress within an individual is not resolved, the brain will order a specific biological response in the body that will express the emotional struggle. The illness become the solution of the internal conflict.

Psychogenealogy shows how programs are passed on from one generation to the next and how our lives often reflects circumstances, traumas and dates of events belonging to antecedent members of our clan.

What we call coincidences, such as repetition of deaths at certain age, separations, divorces, births, illness and professional failures are often related to unresolved stressed that reappear in our lives. These same unresolved stresses will reappear in the lives of subsequent generations in order to be liberated.

Throughout the course of our lives, we oftentimes express behavioral or biological solutions that permit us to resolve the stress of a parent or ancestor.

Healing is often possible through accessing on awareness of such unresolved emotional stresses.

The techniques and processes offered during consultations are not substitutes for consultations with your professional self-care provider.

60’/90’ Session.

Online session Available.


You can create a shift!


This method created by Dr. Alexander Loyd, after several years of research, is a simple and effective working system that facilitates the person in releasing stress and resolving disharmonies.

Stress is caused by misconceptions about ourselves and reality, which have been integrated over time.

The biologist Bruce Lipton states that these beliefs are embedded within cellular memories that refer to the conscious and subconscious mind. When the stress is prolonged over time, the cells, in response to this state, close: they no longer receive nourishment or are freed from toxins. Then our healing system comes to a halt and a symptom appears.

When stress becomes chronic, our system remains in “fight or flight” mode.

The application of the codes to the various areas of life allows the release of cellular memories and the harmful beliefs related to them. In this way our system receives a new message that allows us to free ourselves from stress:

the code does not directly address the health problem, but addresses the memories and beliefs that are the primary cause. Thus our immune system can reactivate and start working efficiently again to bring our entire system back into complete balance and harmony.

90’ Session.

Online Healing Codes Session Available


The discovery of this system took place in 1800 by Mikao Usui, a Japanese spiritual researcher. He founded several centers in Japan and subsequently Hawayo Takata, formed in one of these centers, was the architect of the popularization of this system in the West.

The Chinese word Rei-Ki is usually translated with universal vital energy and is composed of two ideograms: Rei, which means transcendent spirit, indicating with this the fundamental divine nature common to all beings;

Ki, which is the energy, the strength within that which animates the visible from the invisible and originates directly from the Source.

With Reiki, one draws on the source of the manifestation from where pure, complete and enlightened energy flows. it is an expression of divine intelligence and unconditional love, which cannot be manipulated by any human intent, but acts autonomously in the circumstances for physical and mental well-being by stimulating the opening of awareness, self-knowledge and the ability to abandoning oneself to the flow of life, dissolving the fears and patterns that imprison us.

It can be combined with any treatment, any medical therapy, because on a physical level it works by stimulating the defenses and the self-stimulating forces of the organism by balancing the energy bodies and chakras (centers of transformation and transmission of subtle energy in direct connection with the endocrine glands of the body).

Practicing Reiki does not draw on one’s own personal energy, nor does one absorb the suffering or illness of the other.

There are no contraindications and it can be practiced for oneself and for others. It is a path of initiation through which one enters into resonance with a universal healing energy by stimulating spiritual expansion, thus allowing everyone to consciously choose their own path.

For me Reiki reconnects us to our true dimension: it is a personal journey of transformation in which every choice becomes responsible and aware. It has allowed me to feel that we alone are the architects of our life, our world, our destiny, our illnesses and our healing.
It helps in the process of personal change by respecting and recognizing everyone’s freedom and the validity of every path and every choice.
Reiki support us to become truly aware of our thoughts and emotions and through this awareness it supports us on our path to develop mastery in our lives.

Reiki is a loving and harmonizing energy, which always works for the benefit of everyone involved in the treatment. There are no contraindications or age limits.

The individual treatment lasts about 75 minutes and takes place with the dressed person lying on the bed.

Seminars to receive Reiki activations generally take place on weekends. Each Reiki level represents an important moment in one’s life path, because it open the individual to new awareness and possibilities of profound transformation and liberation. The seminars are opened to all and absolutely no special knowledge is required. The three levels of Reiki and teacher training are open to adults. For children aged 6 to 11, First Level activation seminars are held on a day with specific activities.

For more information, please consult the “Events” page.

“Learning means discovering what you already know. To do is to prove that you know. To teach is to remind others that they know as well as you do.
We are all students, practitioners, teachers. “

(R. Bach)

Online Reiki Session Available.


Reflections® is a precious technique developed by Peggy Phoenix Dubro. Over the course of twenty years she has developed the EMF Balancing Tecnique® (which consists of sessions of deep energy work, now practiced in 70 countries around the world) and has discovered the Universal Calibration Lattice® (an organized energy system that extends beyond the physical body, personal connection with the universal source of energy).

The work carried out with the Lattice: reinforces the human energy anatomy so that the individual can best manifest its wholeness. This system is an extension of our energetic anatomy of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, which assists us in developing our ability to fully express ourselves. The work done in a Reflections® session strengthens anyone who wants to continue to evolve.  The work is developed in order to facilitate the person in manifesting the changes and intentions chosen as an evolutionary being.

Reflections® is something extremely practical that helps us to manage our personal energy in an optimal way: it is a gateway to our deepest wisdom.

This technique supports us in achieving our goals by combining the elements of introspective thinking with those of positive action in the process of manifesting one’s intentions.

Pegggy defines Reflections® as a bridge of grace through which we become a quantum observer. It brings nourishment, balance and integration by making people turn towards themselves: it is a great leap in consciousness. We are on a journey in this new form of being and it is an appropriate time to take a quantum leap.With Reflections® all the alignments that take place are in agreement with one’s higher self. It allows us to observe what we are doing with our energy from a quantum point of view: in this way our energy will begin to behave differently and this will allow us to make changes in our life. We are called to recalibrate what it takes to be well present in this new energy.
In the session a high resonance of awareness is created and the facilitator’s task is to reflect the wholeness energy of the divine, which is in everyone.

The session is made up of several phases:

-concentration (we begin with an opening statement about the intent of your choice. This sets the resonance for the session, which focuses and amplifies your ability to manifest your intent and new unexpected potentials. Your energy responds to the resonance of Reflections® in respect of your inner wisdom); – alignment (the awareness that is created in sharing this energy session, generates the appropriate personal support alignment as you open yourself to knowing and being more who you are in a deeply balanced energy of wisdom and love);

– choice (from a quantum perspective you will clearly see how you are using your energy. This viewpoint allows you to transfer your energy from actions that are no longer useful to those actions you prefer to enhance;

– co-create with greater freedom;

– be (at the end of the session you will radiate energy from a place of deep inner stillness within the core of your being, amplifying a quantum state of grace).

Reflections® for:

– profound peace and harmony;

– greater balance between wisdom and emotions;

– greater awareness of what we can do for ourselves;

– better mastery of one’s life;

– greater well-being;

– greater ability to manifest the desired changes in our life.

90 ‘ Session.

Online Reflections® Session Available.


The technique of harmonization (piloting of reality) with numerical sequences (intended as numerical vibrational matrices for restoring the divine energy present at the potential level and manifested in every human activity) was developed by the Russian physicist Grigorij Grabovoy (member of the Academy Russian Science and Consultant to the Russian Federal Air Force). His work consists in the application of particular sequences with concentration through visualization exercises and quantum physics. This defined technology of global salvation and harmonic development can be applied to events of daily life: health, physical ailments, family, emotional states… .

According to Grabovoj, a person is surrounded by an information field that acts on itself in relation to the outside world. This field contains the project of the body in its original state and in its perfection. Anything that moves away from this original creative norm leads to disharmony in the organism. This field is disturbed and interrupted by trauma, tension and mental blocks.

The physicist believes that the soul creates frequencies of light and information and the spirit moves them into consciousness. The information is received and manifests itself in the form of matter.

If information changes, the world also changes and we change with it.
In our soul there is an archiving point where all information is stored. Each organ and each part of the body has a vibration corresponding to the original state of the organ itself that

Grabovoj has translated into numerical sequences. Focusing on these sequences brings the organ back to its natural state.

Through its awareness, a person has the opportunity to change and transform negative information (out of the norm) into positive information (which is part of the order).

The external reality is structured according to the conscious or unconscious inner world of the human, all objects are united through information relationships: if a relationship is modified, the entire system also changes.

The application of these numbers on psychic states, circumstances and body areas allows you to work constructively to harmonize and bring any situation back to normal. 

Online Session Available



Spinal Chrono-reflexology® is a technique for the treatment of emotional trauma (Agegate Therapy®) developed by Dr. Vincenzo Di Spazio. Starting from the studies of the scientist Prof. G. Calligaris, he identified a mapping of 24 cutaneous points on the spinous processes connected to the different ages of life according to a sexagesimal scheme. The scientist has discovered areas on the skin whose stimulation allows access to “an operating system for managing physical, emotional and psychic functions”: the “system of linear chains of the body and spirit”.

There is a timely connection between skin, organs, nervous system, emotions and functions: acting on each of these links in the chain affects all the others.
Our body is a container of memories and the symptom and the disease that it manifests represent that aspect of memory that is stuck in it: it is the way of communicating that the body has, we must discover what it has memorized and act to facilitate the unconscious emotional release of traumatic memory.

Pathology does not say much if it is not inserted in the history of the person, it is therefore necessary to recognize this specific individuality and to search in the history of each person for the connection between the manifestation of discomfort (bronchitis, back pain, infertility, chronic pain …) and the specific framework over time.

Have you ever said: “from the day I suffered this trauma I am no longer the same” or “since this person left me this pain accompanies me”? This happens because our body does not live a linear time (past / present / future) like our mind, but it contains the memory of every particular event of our life.
Pain is a very strong signal that, in the course of our evolution, has made it possible to strengthen the defense systems aimed at the conservation of the individual and the species. This is why the most painful experiences are kept in the body’s memory. It becomes a register of many lives and, through the pathology, draws attention to unresolved events in personal and family history.
This technique allows the treatment and thus the reintegration and overcoming of those blocks stored by the body at the skin level.

“When evaluating diseases, first of all look at the spine.”
(Hippocrates, 4th century BC)

Spinal Chrono-reflexology® considers the spine as a biological clock subdivided into precise “temporal notches”: the so-called “24 cutaneous chakras of time”. Specifically, the spiny processes act as “entrance doors” to our age in which very specific traumas are projected.This technique allows quick access to traumatic memories allowing to free personal and family history from the pain of experienced traumas.

90′ Session.